Yeezen General Hospital

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DAE Instrument Corp.



Yeezen General Hospital

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Yeezen General Hospital

Category:Hospital Dormitory | Location:Taoyuan City

Solution:IC Card Billing System


Project Introduction

Billing Solution for Dormitory 

IC Card Billing System


 The staff dormitory of Yeezen General Hospital is located on the top floor of the hospital. Since air conditioning electricity bills are high in summer, the hospital hopes to calculate electricity bills and rent separately. Therefore, DAE's IC card billing system was built at the case site.

Residents purchase cards and top-up value. This system works based on Plug and Play. That is, the system supply the power when insert the card and turn off the power when remove the card. Furthermore, by seeing the balance displayed on the card reader, people will restrict their personal electricity consumption behavior.

Electricity Management 

Auto-meater reading system


 In addition to the IC card billing system, the hospital also built a Taiwan Electronics automatic meter reading system.

This system allows managers to understand the usage status of dormitory air conditioners in front of the computer in the office, and can also track card usage. The most significant function is to provide hospitals with a simple tool for energy consumption tracking. As long as measuring meters are installed in each computer room, equipment, or lighting circuit, the energy usage of the building and equipment (including water resources) can be easily understood. .

Through this information, abnormal conditions can be discovered for repair and elimination.




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