Meter FAQ

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DAE Instrument Corp.



Meter FAQ


Why we need to install meter?

  • Places like commercial  buildings, campuses, shopping malls, etc. need to record electricity consumption for analysis and as a basis for energy saving management.
  • Electricity bills for rental spaces like apartments, offices, booths .
  • Charging fee based on user pays.

How to choose a suitable meter?

  • Confirm the specification
    • 1P2W, 1P3W, 3P3W, 3P4W 
    • Voltage:1P2W and 3P3W should choose 110V or 220V. 1P3W only could choose 110/220V. 3P4W should choose 120/208V or 220/380V.
    • Current:Normally, there are two numbers on the meter. The first number is without parentheses and the other one shows with parentheses. The former one is for TAIWAN ELECTRIC RESEARCH & TESTING CENTER testing. The later one is for the maximum current it can withstand. To cite an instance, if the spec show on a meter is 10(50)A. Then it means 10A is for  TAIWAN ELECTRIC RESEARCH & TESTING CENTER testing and the maximum current it can withstand is 50A. The standard electricity meters manufactured by DAE are available in the following types: 10A / 50A / 80A / 100A (maximum current it can withstand)
  •  Confirm the purpose 
    • Basic meter
    • Communication Meter
    • IC Card Meter
    • Main Power Meter
    • Dedicated Meter with connection and value-stored function
    • Meter for EV Charging station

The accuracy requirements for charging meter

  • The basic requirement for a charging meter is that it must be accurate and it must pass the test before it can be sold and used.
  • TAIWAN ELECTRIC RESEARCH & TESTING CENTER and is the unit officially authorized by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, M.O.E.A. Each electric meter submitted for inspection will be inspected according to the national standard CNS14607 for electric energy meters (watt-hour meters), and each electric meter that passes the inspection will have a lead seal and qualification label from the Standards Inspection Bureau.

What should I check after I receive the meter?

  • Please check whether the appearance of the meter is damaged.
  • Please check whether the specifications of the electric meter match what you ordered.
  • Please check whether there is a sticker on the upper right side of the meter that has passed the inspection by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, M.O.E.A.
  • Please check whether the lead seal of the electric meter is intact.

What should I check before power on the meter?

  • Please confirm whether the wiring matches the wiring diagram, whether each wire is connected properly, and whether the screws are locked securely.
  • Please confirm whether the meter is installed securely.
  • The circuit is directly connected to the electric meter and the electric meter is connected to the CT measurement wiring method and the wiring access hole is different.
  • If you need to connect the meter to read the meter, please confirm whether the positive and negative poles of the communication line are connected correctly. 

What should I check after power on the meter?

  • Confirm whether each LED indicator is on
  • Confirm whether each setting is correct

How to interpret the electricity displayed on the meter

  • The unit of electricity is kilowatt hours. The general writing method is kWh or kW‧h. There are two ways of displaying electricity meters in DAE: LED and LCD. There will be kWh printed on the panel around the electricity display or multiplied by 0.1 kWh. If kWh is printed on the panel, the last digit displayed by the meter is 1kWh. If printed on the panel is multiplied by 0.1 kWh, the last digit displayed on the meter will be 0.1kWh

What does the value (imp/kWh) next to the independent LED light on the electric meter mean?

  • This value is the pulse constant of the meter. Because electronic electricity meters convert electricity consumption into pulse signals to calculate electricity consumption. Therefore, when the LED light flashes once, it means that the meter records a pulse signal. For example: 1600imp/kWh means that when the meter accumulates 1,600 pulse signals, it will record one kilowatt hour of electricity used.


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